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About Me

          Most of my life has been spent with computers (most of my adult life that is). I originally started in forums with the Microsoft Private Newsgroups for Whistler. That is what got me started anyway. Then I co-Created WindowsSupport.Net  (now ProNetworks.Org) and have since left them for personal reasons. I then was Assistant Manager at Steven Bink's forum. Since then I have quite all forums except my own Longhorn forum and MS Beta groups.

         My experience in jobs goes from farming to legal document courier. I spent almost 2 years in a computer repair and computer resale firm and learned a lot about repairing and using PC's. All of my web design skills are something I learned just because I wanted to. It was not required by the job although I did do a website for the company I worked for. I also made a few MSStyles for Windows XP build 25XX (just think Pre-release) and continued to do that until TGTSoft came out with the StyleXP version 1.0. Then I left the old way of making themes (manually editing images and using ResHack to change the images in the theme). I then went to do a few month of framing (building houses). I found that to be very enjoyable work. Good exercise and really good for getting a tan (much better then working in the basement with computers). I just recently started with a legal document courier. The days are long but I have a good time.

       My hobbies of course have change from entirely PC based to a little more outdoors type. Do not think that I am converted to hunting of fishing, such hobbies do not excite me. I ended up trying out mountain biking when my uncle asked me in February of 2002 to come out with them and go riding.  I did and since then (a year has gone by) and I am much less intelligent, or cautious should I say. I enjoy it thoroughly I originally took it up when I was still fixing computers and needed something to do outdoors that I liked to do. (incidentally this site was made on my computer not my bike :-). I thought it might help me get some sunshine but now with full body amour I don't think I get much sun on myself.